It helps that in between my interviews and RSA class (Responsible Service of Alcohol - yes, this is mandatory to take a class to get a certificate to be able to be a waiter/bar tender here -- this is my backup plan in case a full time job doesn't start right away, because we all know I am a type-A worry wart), I have time to wander, which is such a foreign concept to me who is typically triple booked, looking for even more plans to take up my time. I am slowly learning to be ok not having plans, to be alone and just take time for myself. It's painful at times, but at least I am helping reduce my stress level (and hopefully in turn reducing the chance of a stroke or heart attack!) Australians have a much more laid back, relaxed attitude. No one is in a hurry to do anything here (including helping to set up your bank account which has now taken 2 phone calls and 3 trips to the bank and I still do not have my debit card - in fact, my account has been cancelled, reinstated and verified at least 5 times.) The speed limit on the highways is 100 KPH MAX (equivalent to about 62 miles an hour). Police are so strict here, if you go the slightest bit above the speed limit, park in the wrong place, or even run a YELLOW light, you are written or mailed a ticket that on average will cost you about $200 AUD. As aggravating as it is driving down the highway here, you learn to leave earlier, giving yourself extra time so there is no need to speed, and it in turns means fewer car accidents - if only the Americans could do the same - I just have a feeling that would never happen...
The Vic Market is the largest outdoor market in Melbourne, open most every day of the week. It's a great place for people watching, buying Fruit and Veg and plenty of meat, fish, cheese and bread to go around. We ventured to the market today because the weather was beautiful after about a week of cold and rainy winter days. Walking down isles of clothing, jewelry, toys and food was a chaotic frenzy of people, carts and vendors yelling out their daily deals: "2 for the price of one!" - "Strawberries, 2 for $5!" - Schnitzel $15!" It's so vibrant and full of life, colors and smells that pull you in, only to spit you out after your money is spent and your cart is loaded down with the freshest local produce.
This weekend we are heading to Sydney, I have another round of interviews (and hopefully an offer) and have a full schedule of dropping off and picking up the kids. (Watch out Melbourne, I'll be driving this week - on the Left hand side of the road!) I will be picking up the kids on Friday after school, loading them in a cab and rushing off to the airport. The three of us will be flying business class, so I have forewarned Dailey we will be wearing chic outfits and large sunglasses to see how many people we can fool into believing we belong to some high-society Melbourne family! Needless to say, my part week of playing mom will be a real test to my patience and a large dose of birth control (don't get me wrong, I love these kids to death, but it just solidifies that I am nowhere near ready to have kids anytime soon!) So let the fun begin as I begin the next big Australian adventure...
Have so much fun in Sydney!! That market looks amazing - you're definitely taking me there!